Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
May 3, 2023 PM, Acts 1:1-11.This is the kind of church we ought to be: following Jesus’ commandments, telling others that He is alive, understanding the program of God’s kingdom for the world, walking in the Spirit, not worrying about timing and other things we cannot know, carrying out the Great Commission, expecting His second coming.
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
April 30, 2023 PM, 1 Timothy 4:1-16.Our Scripture reading was Romans 14:1-23
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
April 30, 2023 AM, Genesis 29:1-30:43.This situation persisted for six more years, bringing the total up to 20 years until Jacob returned home. It was only in the last six years that Jacob truly “got ahead” and that happened despite how Laban seemed to continuously change the terms and conditions of his work. Next time we will see how Jacob escaped the tentacles of Laban and returned to the promised land.
Our Scripture reading was Acts 14:1-28
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
April 26, 2023 PM, Acts 1:2-8.In this message Pastor Postiff outlines seven aspects of the post-resurrection/pre-ascension ministry of Jesus during the 40 days between the resurrection and His ascension to heaven. The Lord:
Gave various commands to the apostles.
Was physically present with them 40 days.
Provided many convincing proofs of His resurrection.
Taught concerning the kingdom of God.
Instructed the disciples to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Answered a question about the timing of the kingdom of God.
Issued the Great Commission.
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
April 23, 2023 AM, Genesis 28:1-22.Jacob deceived to get the blessing. But you cannot get a real blessing that way. You might get the words of a blessing, but not the blessing itself. Despite his chicanery, God still was with him. And here is the thing: God Himself gave Jacob the blessing of Abraham and Isaac. He did not need to scheme to get the blessing. God was going to see to it anyway. You trust God, and He will take care of you in the best way possible. He will never leave you. You might leave Him for a time, but would you come back to Him, declare Him to be your God, which He is anyway, and follow Him with yourself and your substance? Do not go anywhere, much less far away, until you are assured that God will be with you, until you can say that He is and will be your God.
Our Scripture reading was Acts 13:1-52
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
April 23, 2023 SS, 1 Timothy 3:14-16.In this message, Paul tells Timothy his purpose for writing the instructions found in chapters two and three. With the possibility of being delayed in his visit to the church in Ephesus, Paul writes so that Christians will know how to properly conduct themselves in the household of God. Herein we find the twofold reason for the importance of proper conduct in church. First, because the church belongs to the Living God. Second, because God uses His church to be the protector and advocate of the truth. The truth which Paul writes of is the Christian faith, which he summarizes in verse sixteen.
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
April 19, 2023 PM, Acts 1:1-3.In this message, we begin studying the Book of Acts, particularly with regard to Luke's purpose in writing and the historical nature of his writing.
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
April 16, 2023 PM, 1 Timothy 3:8-13.Scripture has taught us that deacons are vitally important to the church. Therefore, they must meet certain qualifications. We do not hastily appoint deacons, but first examine them.
God is most concerned with the spiritual life of those in church leadership. If they fail to meet these criteria, they are unqualified to serve, no matter how they appear to be gifted.
There is no limit to the number of deacons that can serve, but they must meet the qualifications, as must their wives. Deacons who serve well will gain a good standing before God and the church and
will have a greater confidence in the faith which will inevitably lead to more service and greater boldness in communicating the truth.
Our Scripture reading was Romans 13:1-14
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
April 16, 2023 AM, Genesis 27:1-46.Note that Jacob could have and should have received his father’s blessing—and God’s blessing—another way. We are 100% confident that God never requires us to sin to be in His will (James 1:13).
We are also certain that if we believe in God, He will take care of things. But sometimes God allows these sorts of things in His plan to accomplish His purposes. I do not claim to understand how all that works, but I read it Scripture and the nature of the God whom I know means I can trust Him about this matter even though I don’t have it all figured out. What should Jacob and Rebekah have done? First, they should have recited to Isaac God’s words from 77-78 years earlier recorded in Genesis 25:23. God revealed them to her in answer to her prayer about the struggle that she felt inside of her womb. This was God’s plan for the lads. Second, Jacob and his mother should have reminded Isaac that his eldest son had exhibited extreme disrespect by despising the birthright. He sold it to his (slightly) younger brother. Legally, it belonged to the younger brother. Esau swore that he did not want it. This action not only showed disrespect for God, but also for his dad. Oh, that hurts to even hear it! Third, Esau exhibited a lack of concern for his family by his choice of marriage partners. He was OK with going down the pagan route, not believing the God of Abraham and Isaac. Finally, both parents should have abandoned their favoritism.
Our Scripture reading was Acts 12:1-25
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
April 12, 2023 PM, Various.In baptism, we have a picture that we have died with Jesus, have been buried with Him, and rise again with Him. Its significance is a memorial, a symbol, and a prophecy of a saving truth of the gospel. I would not change the baptismal formula. We baptized in the name of the Triune God. Nor would I add blood baptism into the service to satisfy someone’s desire to have those words said, because there is no mystical power in those words. And those words likely indicate a bad sort of theology that we cannot endorse or co-sign.