Fellowship Bible Church Sermons

Sermon audio from the pulpit of Fellowship Bible Church of Ann Arbor, Michigan

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Treatment of Elders Part 3

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

August 6, 2023 PM, 1 Timothy 5:17-25.Churches should keep themselves pure by avoiding the temptation to hastily appoint elders. Churches should allow for a period of time to evaluate the work and character of a man, allowing time for disqualifying sins to surface that might otherwise go unnoticed. Paul warns of the danger of acting hastily. Churches should avoid the guilt and responsibility of appointing men who later demonstrates themselves unfit for ministry. Paul writes a parenthetical remark to Timothy concerning using wine to help with Timothy's frequent illnesses. This passage is not to be used as an endorsement for social drinking.
Our Scripture reading was Nehemiah 11:1-36

Mary and Gabriel

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

August 6, 2023 AM, Luke 1:26-38.Last time we learned about the announcement of John the Baptist’s birth to Zacharias and Elizabeth. Gabriel was the announcer of that momentous event. His next job was to visit Mary and announce to her the birth of the Messiah. Pastor Postiff addressed doubts about the virgin conception and birth on account of other supposed cases of parthenogenesis. The application emphasis was on Mary's willingness to be a servant of the Lord, and the question about whether we are as willing as she was.
Our Scripture reading was Acts 28:1-31

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

August 6, 2023 SS, Colossians 2:20.Think of one area of your life where you need to live more closely to the Lord. Think of a regular sin, habit, pattern, addiction, repeated temptation, stumbling block, fear, anxiety. What is one of those things that is prominent in your mind right now?
Let the question sink in and think about it.
Now...how do you think God can help you deal with that situation? Notice I did not ask "How do you think YOU can solve the problem?" I asked, "How GOD can help you, how GOD can work in your, to deal with the problem?"

Treatment of Elders Part 2

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

August 2, 2023 PM, 1 Timothy 5:17-25.An accusation against an elder is a serious matter. While not to be ignored, an accusation is not to be accepted as true unless there are two or more witnesses. If the accusation proves true, the sinning elder is to be rebuked before the whole church. The act of rebuking an elder before the whole church can have a very sanctifying effect as it can be a deterrent to prevent others from participating in a similar wrongdoing. Timothy was not to show prejudice or partiality when accusations arose against an elder.

Zacharias and Gabriel

Monday Aug 07, 2023

Monday Aug 07, 2023

July 30, 2023 AM, Luke 1:5-25.Our Scripture reading was Acts 27:1-44
John and his parents are fine examples for us. By God’s grace, we too can Be righteous before God by faith, Be upright on our conduct, Experience answered prayer and the joy of it, Lead our children to be good in God’s sight, though they may not embrace John’s way for themselves, Avoid alcohol and other impure things; Be filled with God’s Spirit, Be an agent to point people to God, Believe God’s word, Be thankful to God when He gives gifts to us. The bigger picture was that God was setting up for One far greater than John to come and provide redemption for His people. John is
a pointer to Jesus, a man great in his own right, but comparatively unworthy to loosen the sandal straps of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday Aug 07, 2023

July 30, 2023 SS, Various.In this session, we practiced our prior studies by looking in detail at 1 Peter 5:5-7 and John 3:16.

Acts 3

Friday Jul 28, 2023

Friday Jul 28, 2023

July 26, 2023 PM, Acts 3:1-26.Peter and John enabled a lame man to walk, and God used this to authenticate not only their ministry but also to point the crowds to Jesus Christ in whose name the healing was performed. Once again, Peter confronts the people for supporting the crucifixion of Jesus and calls the people to repent and be converted. Since Jesus is that prophet that was like Moses (Deut. 18:15), it was imperative that the people listen to this message, else they will be destroyed. Peter ends on the note of blessing--God sent Christ to bless the people in turning them away from sin. To be turned from sin to God is the greatest of blessings that we can experience.

Friday Jul 28, 2023

July 23, 2023 PM, Acts 2:40-47.Acts 2 reveals eleven indispensable actions and attitudes that every church should have.
Preach the gospel
Baptist new Christians
Welcome in new converts
Continue in the Apostle's doctrine
Continue in fellowship and regularly meeting together
Continue in breaking of bread and eating meals together
Continue in prayer
Interact with outsiders
Meet each other's needs
Share a joyful mindset
Praise God
Every church should work on these characteristics.
Our Scripture reading was Nehemiah 10:1-39

Introduction to Luke

Friday Jul 28, 2023

Friday Jul 28, 2023

July 23, 2023 AM, Luke.Art Fair Update
Luke wrote under the influence or superintendence of the Holy Spirit of God. What he wrote is true and without error. It is authoritative. It is meant to strengthen the faith of Christians, or to encourage nascent faith of not-quite-Christians so they can have a stable, certain foundation on which to build faith.

Friday Jul 28, 2023

July 19, 2023 PM, Acts 2:40-47.Acts 2 reveals eleven indispensable actions and attitudes that every church should have. In this message, we covered the first five or so:
Preach the gospel
Baptist new Christians
Welcome in new converts
Continue in the Apostle's doctrine
Continue in fellowship and regularly meeting together

Fellowship Bible Church 2006-2024

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